Photo: Facebook / Maksym Kozytsky
The head of the Lviv Regional Military Administration, Maksym Kozytsky, reported that on Facebook.
According to the head of the region, almost 800 athletes from all over the country gathered in the Lviv region to participate in the Ukrainian Championship in sports and combat sambo in three age categories.
Photo: Facebook / Maksym Kozytsky
Photo: Facebook / Maksym Kozytsky
Alongside the main program, the Ukrainian Championship in inclusive sambo is taking place, featuring competition from:
Photo: Facebook / Maksym Kozytsky
Photo: Facebook / Maksym Kozytsky
"Our region has become the center of inclusive sambo in Ukraine! We are developing this direction within the regional project League of the Invincible framework. The project has been helping veterans return to active life through sports for a year," Kozytsky noted.
Photo: Facebook / Maksym Kozytsky
Photo: Facebook / Maksym Kozytsky
The Chairman of the regional military administration extended his best wishes to the National Team of Ukraine, set to be formed based on the competition's results, encouraging them to represent the country with distinction at the European Championship in Cyprus this April.
For reference:
Ukraine has launched a new program, "Veteran Sport," on the "Diia" portal. Under this program, veterans receive 1,500 UAH each quarter to cover sports activity expenses.
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