Ukrinform reported that.
At the 2025 World Universiade, 96 awards were contested across 11 sports.
The "blue-and-yellow" team competed in biathlon, figure skating, alpine skiing, hockey, snowboarding, freestyle skiing, and curling. It included 55 athletes from 21 higher education institutions in Kyiv and 11 other regions of Ukraine.
The student team of Ukraine won 12 awards during 13 competitive days, including:
As a result of the overall team standings, the Ukrainian team took 10th place.
Ukrainian winners and prize-winners of the competitions:
In total, the awards of Turin-2025 were won by representatives of 28 countries of the world:
At the last Winter Universiade held in Lake Placid, USA, in 2023, Ukrainian students won six medals: one gold, one silver, and four bronze, securing 18th place in the overall team standings among 43 participating countries.
For reference:
It is worth mentioning that for the first time, the Ukrainian luge team won a World Cup medal at the stage in Sigulda, Latvia – "bronze" in the mixed relay.
Moreover, Ukrainian freediver Kateryna Sadurska set her second world record. The athlete dived without fins to a depth of 84 meters while holding her breath, which is equal to a quarter of the height of the Eiffel Tower.
Національна гвардія України отримала перші зразки нової техніки, призначеної для радіаційного, хімічного та біологічного захисту… Читати більше
Служба безпеки України спільно з Національною поліцією та Бюро економічної безпеки затримали чотирьох організаторів підпільних… Читати більше
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Глава держави Володимир Зеленський призначив Ольгу Куришко на посаду постійного представника президента України в Автономній… Читати більше
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