Solutions from Ukraine: Kharkiv launches pilot project for adapted drum therapy for veterans

Kharkiv has launched a pilot project offering adapted drum therapy for veterans recovering from concussions. During the first session, four former military personnel engaged with playing a musical instrument as part of their rehabilitation.

Ihor Shyshko, director of the Kharkiv Regional Council's municipal institution "Veteran Space. Side by Side", told Ukrinform.

What is the solution?

"This was the first test, because scientific research is one thing, but how it works in practice is another. We wanted to practice the sessions and get feedback from guys who have concussions, and they responded positively," Shyshko says.

He added that the four veterans who participated really enjoyed it and are eager to continue.

How does it work?

The organizers explain that playing drums has a multidimensional positive impact:

  • Physical rehabilitation: improving motor skills, stabilizing heart rate.
  • Neuroplasticity: rhythmic movements and sound vibrations contribute to the activation of neural connections and the restoration of brain functions.
  • Emotional support: helps reduce aggression, anxiety, and improves concentration.
  • Social integration: allows veterans to interact in a creative atmosphere.

"That is, it is generally physical, psychological, and social rehabilitation," the head of the veteran space noted.

Shyshko stressed that drumming and music therapy, in general, positively affect individuals with concussions.

Photo: Facebook / Ihor Shyshko

Photo: Facebook / Ihor Shyshko

Classes are held free of charge by the private school "DrumDreams", veterans can sign up to participate.

The project is currently at the pilot stage. It is planned to attract regional and charitable funds to ensure its sustainable operation.

Photo: Facebook / Ihor Shyshko

Photo: Facebook / Ihor Shyshko

"We are currently working out technical and financial capabilities to attract regional and charitable funds, and to make this pilot project work," Shyshko added.

For reference:

It should be noted that adaptive clubs were opened in Lviv, Volyn and Ivano-Frankivsk regions on January 15-17. These centers won the "Time to Act, Unrestrained" grant competition.

The largest rehabilitation center for the military in Ukraine also opened in Chernivtsi. The newest department was launched on the basis of the Chernivtsi Regional Hospital for War Veterans.


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