Завод Volkswagen в Volkswagen plant in Wolfsburg. Photo: Illustrative / Wikipedia
Rubryka reports this.
What is the problem?
Ukrainian entrepreneurs frequently encounter challenges when entering international markets. Despite having high-quality products, a lack of knowledge, resources to establish export processes, or early-stage mistakes often keep them from gaining recognition abroad. This presents a significant barrier to business growth and the sustainability of the Ukrainian economy.
What is the solution?
Thanks to the educational initiative "School of Brand Ambassadors. Export Entry," 50 entrepreneurs will receive free training, access to the experience of Ukraine's most successful exporters, and the opportunity to present their own strategies for entering foreign markets.
The School's program includes:
How does it work?
The program consists of two parts:
During this stage, participants will learn to analyze potential markets, build an export strategy, develop international PR communication, and master marketplaces.
2. Offline visits to production facilities. During the month, entrepreneurs will see the work of companies such as:
Relocated industrial and technological giants in western Ukraine, which are currently transforming Transcarpathia into a "new Texas," will also share their experience.
This practical stage will help participants see export processes from the inside and get recommendations from top managers of successful companies.
At the end of the program, each student will defend their own export strategy. The top five will receive full support for entering the market – from logistics to finding customers.
How to join?
To become a participant, individuals need to fill out the questionnaire and complete the test task by January 27, 2025.
The PRoector team is implementing this initiative with support from the USAID project "Strengthening Public Trust" (UCBI).
For reference:
It's worth noting that the first Lutsk Veteran Business Fair, titled "I Could and You Can," took place at the Korsak Museum of Contemporary Ukrainian Art. The Lutsk City Council supported the event.
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