
Ukrainian veteran climbs Africa’s highest mountain post-arm amputation, sets national record

Ukrainian veteran Stepan Korobkin, 25, scaled Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest peak, after undergoing a right arm amputation.

The veteran and the group that organized the climb shared their experience at a press conference at Ukrinform, titled "Kilimanjaro After Amputation: How a War Veteran Conquered Africa's Highest Mountain."

Ukrainian army veteran Stepan Korobkin explained that the event aims to inspire the veteran community to stay active and facilitate their transition back into peaceful life.

"This was to prove that people with amputees can move on, this is not the end of life. To inspire people to move forward, not to stay in one place and degrade. You need to move and do something. Because a person without a hobby simply dies. For example, I also play football, I am a goalkeeper," he said.

Photo: Ukrinform

Joining veteran Stepan Korobkin, who endured an amputation and 32 surgeries, on the Kilimanjaro climb was Tetiana Yalovchak. She is the first Ukrainian record holder to have conquered Everest and the highest peaks on all seven continents, and she has now launched a project that merges adaptation and motivation through mountain climbing.

"With this climb, we aimed to draw attention from the public and motivate both military personnel and civilians who have undergone amputations during the war. While I might not be in a position to tell someone without arms or legs to get up and go, Stepan can, because he's done it. Our example will inspire many others to follow suit," Yalovchak is sure.

Photo: Ukrinform

Head and founder of the Center for Complex Endoprosthetics, Osteointegration and Bionics, head of the Tytanovi Rehabilitation Center, Viacheslav Zaporozhets, is convinced that sports activities are the most effective way for veterans to return to a peaceful life.

"Activity and sports make up 30% of the rehabilitation and prosthetics process. In our rehabilitation program, we have veterans who have lost two or even three limbs, and we demonstrate to them that they are not defined by their injuries. We have double amputees who are already participating in sports like alpine skiing, basketball, or wheelchair football—this shows resilience. It's crucial to help veterans reintegrate into an active life, and Stepan's example is incredibly inspiring in this regard," Zaporozhets emphasized.

Photo: Ukrinform

During the event, it was announced that Ukrainian veteran Stepan Korobkin's climb of Kilimanjaro, one of the world's highest mountains, has been entered into the National Register of Records of Ukraine.

"We are very pleased to announce today a new achievement and record of Ukraine – a veteran with an amputated arm reached a maximum height of 5,756 meters while climbing Mount Kilimanjaro," Vitalii Zorin, an expert of the National Register of Records of Ukraine, announced, presenting the veteran with a corresponding certificate.

For reference:

Stepan Korobkin was born on November 24, 1999, in Myrnohrad, Donetsk region, and studied in Kramatorsk. After graduating from a vocational school, he specialized in construction. In November 2021, he was mobilized under a contract for the Anti-Terrorist Operation, serving in an assault mortar battery. During the full-scale invasion, he actively took part in the defense of Ukraine. He was first wounded in June 2022, but returned to the front. In June 2023, following heavy shelling, he was seriously injured and lost his right arm.


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