Despite war, Ukraine surpasses some European countries in modernization — German defense minister

Despite being at war with the Russian Federation, Ukraine demonstrates a modern and innovative approach in many areas, even surpassing some European countries.

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius highlighted Ukraine's advancements, particularly in the defense sector, during an interview with Süddeutsche Zeitung.

Key Points from the Interview

  • Digitalization: Pistorius noted that Ukraine offers nearly all state benefits through digital applications, showcasing an impressive level of digitalization.
  • Defense Innovations: Ukraine has made significant strides in developing and producing drones, reflecting its progress in military technology.
  • Peacekeeping Missions: Germany is open to participating in peacekeeping missions in Ukraine, but this will only be considered in the future when the time is right.

As Pistorius stated, "We are NATO's largest partner in Europe. It is clear that we will have to play a role and take responsibility."

The German Defense Minister also stressed the importance of creating a security framework for Ukraine to prevent future Russian aggression. He underscored that allies must avoid disclosing all aspects of their plans to ensure Russia cannot exploit this information.

Assistance from Germany

Germany continues to play a crucial role as a NATO partner and actively supports Ukraine in its defense efforts.

Recently, Germany delivered the first of 50 ordered RCH 155 howitzers to bolster Ukraine's artillery capabilities.

Additionally, the German company Rheinmetall provided 20 more Marder infantry fighting vehicles and supplied 180,000 rounds of 35-mm ammunition for Gepard self-propelled anti-aircraft artillery systems.

The German government also officially confirmed funding for the delivery of 30 GEREON RCS unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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