Rubryka reports this, citing the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.
The official equipment transfer ceremony was attended by the leadership of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Slovenia Tanja Fajon, Slovenian Ambassador to Ukraine Mateja Prevolšek, as well as representatives from Ukraine's Ministry of Economy and UNITED24.
These specialized off-road trucks are specifically designed to transport special equipment, carry out demining operations, and safely transport small explosive objects to destruction sites.
Head of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, Andrii Danyk, expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the people and Government of Slovenia. He stated that the modern Kozak PM-L vehicles would enhance the mobility of specialists and significantly improve safety during demining operations.
"This will help significantly reduce the risks to the lives of our sappers and make the process of demining explosives faster and more reliable. We are grateful for your support, which allows us to work more effectively even in wartime. Such assistance is a significant contribution to ensuring the safety of citizens and the restoration of Ukraine," Danyk emphasized.
It is worth noting that this is the second transfer of equipment purchased with funds provided by Slovenia. In October 2024, the State Emergency Service received two tractors for transporting demining vehicles. The agreement for the allocation of 1.5 million euros for humanitarian assistance in the field of demining was signed by the governments of Ukraine and the Republic of Slovenia in December 2023. It officially came into force on July 3, 2024, after the completion of the necessary domestic procedures.
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