Rubryka offers a short digest of the TOP-5 solutions of the week that bring Ukraine's victory closer:
⚡️The Armed Forces of Ukraine carried out the most massive strike on the military facilities of the enemy at a distance of 200 to 1100 km deep into the Russian Federation. Targets in the Bryansk, Saratov, Tula regions, and the Republic of Tatarstan were hit.
💶Poland will provide Ukraine with the 46th aid package worth over €200 million. It is already ready, and deliveries will begin in the near future.
🇺🇦Another 25 Ukrainians returned home from Russian captivity. These are wounded military personnel and civilians who have endured a lot without proper medical care and with inhumane treatment in enemy captivity.
🤝Ukraine and Britain signed an agreement on 100-year cooperation. The document is designed to build strong ties between the two countries across the entire spectrum of relations: from trade, security, and defense, to science and technology, education, culture, etc.
🎯Ukraine's Security Service special forces received 12 modern sniper systems from the "Return Alive" charity fund. Thanks to this, the fighters will be able to destroy Russian invaders at a distance of more than 2 km.
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