Ukraine presents Operation Kursk documentary at NATO headquarters in Europe

The documentary film Operation Kursk was presented at NATO Headquarters in Europe (SHAPE, Mons, Belgium), which was created on the initiative of the Main Communications Directorate of Ukraine's armed forces.

The General Staff of Ukraine's armed forces reported this on Facebook.

As noted in the military command, the film was shot by teams from the Media Center of Ukraine's armed forces, using materials from the communication units of the combat brigades.

As part of the screening, Pavlo Kovalchuk and Dmytro Kuievda, representatives of the author's team, told those present about the idea, creative production process, and key goal of the chronicle Kursk Operation.

The film's creators used video materials from the communication units of the combat brigades. It shows unique footage filmed in the first days of the operation. It also tells about commander training, the development of an offensive strategy, assaults, and trophies.

The film features the first-ever public comments by the Commander-in-Chief of Ukraine's armed forces, General Oleksandr Syrskyi, and the Chief of the General Staff, Lieutenant General Anatoliy Barhylevych, on the operation's planning and progress.

Also, in the film, military personnel who participated in the battles share their impressions and experiences.

"In the documentary, their direct participants – commanders of combat brigades and battalions, officers, sergeants, and soldiers of various types and branches of the armed forces – share their impressions and emotions about the Kursk events," the General Staff notes.

The screening ended with an interactive session with Colonel Oleh Apostol, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Ukraine's armed forces. In August 2024, he commanded the 95th separate airborne assault Polissia Brigade, which participated in the offensive operations.

"Operation Kursk is the first documentary chronicle that tells in detail and factually about the offensive actions of the Defense Forces of Ukraine on the territory of the Russian Federation in August 2024. This film is a vivid testimony to the heroism, courage, and humanity of Ukrainian soldiers," the military command summarized.

For reference:

As Militarnyi wrote, in August, Ukraine's armed forces launched a counteroffensive in the Kursk region, establishing control over 1,100 km². However, due to enemy counterattacks, by the end of the year, about 460 km² remained under the control of the Ukrainian army.

However, the Ukrainian military inflicted significant losses on the enemy. Thus, on January 2, the defenders carried out a high-precision strike on the Russian invaders' command post in the Maryine settlement.

Moreover, fighters of the 6th Regiment of the Special Operations Forces of Ukraine's armed forces successfully captured one settlement in the Kursk region.

On January 5, 2025, the Ukrainian Defense Forces intensified hostilities in the Kursk region, attacking the enemy unexpectedly in several directions.

Ukrainian soldiers captured two North Korean soldiers in the Kursk region who were fighting alongside Russian forces. Despite their injuries, the prisoners were transported to Kyiv, where Ukraine's Security Service investigators have already questioned them.

According to President Zelensky, the Kursk Operation of Ukraine's armed forces has become one of the main victories of Ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale war. To confront Ukraine, Russia withdrew almost 60,000 soldiers from the front.

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