The Heart Sees More Than the Eyes: Kyiv unveils first inclusive comic for children

Photo: Kyiv City State Administration, Liubov Holubiatnikova
The first inclusive comic for children, "The Heart Sees More Than the Eyes," was presented in Kyiv as part of the one-day boot camp "Communication without BARRIERS."
The Research Institute for Socio-Economic Development of the City research institution, whose specialists participated in creating the comic on a non-profit basis, reported that.
The comic aims to overcome stigma and educate children to understand that all people, regardless of physical characteristics, are equal in rights and opportunities.

Photo: Kyiv City State Administration, Liubov Holubiatnikova
Oleksandra Pascal, the inspiration behind the comic's main character, participated in the presentation. In May 2022, she lost her leg in a Russian missile strike in the Odesa region, but that didn't stop her from continuing her passion for rhythmic gymnastics. During her speech, Oleksandra highlighted the importance of overcoming stereotypes and fostering an inclusive environment for everyone.
Photo: Kyiv City State Administration, Liubov Holubiatnikova
"Oleksandra's story is an example of courage, strength of spirit, and faith in one's abilities. That is why it formed the basis of the comic book. After all, the story told in such an accessible form for children is an effective tool that helps, through the artistic word, to form in young people an impartial attitude and value of a person based on the fact of his birth, regardless of his physical condition and life history," Serhii Pavlovsky, director of the National Research and Development Institute of Kyiv National University of Humanities and Social Sciences, said.
He added that such initiatives launch qualitative changes in society, making it more tolerant and inclusive.

Photo: Kyiv City State Administration, Liubov Holubiatnikova
The comic book was created as part of the UPSHIFT program, the national wave of which is implemented by the NGO "SKC Zadzerkallia" with the support of UNICEF Ukraine and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany through the German state development bank KfW.

Photo: Kyiv City State Administration, Liubov Holubiatnikova
The "Communication without BARRIERS" boot camp is a unique platform for popularizing the values of inclusion and tolerance among young people. The project is part of a broader program to support youth and inclusive education, which is implemented with the support of international organizations.

Photo: Kyiv City State Administration, Liubov Holubiatnikova

Photo: Kyiv City State Administration, Liubov Holubiatnikova

Photo: Kyiv City State Administration, Liubov Holubiatnikova

Photo: Kyiv City State Administration, Liubov Holubiatnikova

Photo: Kyiv City State Administration, Liubov Holubiatnikova