UN delegation visits Zaporizhia amid aftermath of Russian missile strike

In Zaporizhia, a UN delegation, led by Tom Fletcher, the UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, visited an underground school set to open soon and the site of the December missile strike by Russian forces.

This was reported by the Zaporizhia Regional State Administration, according to Rubryka.

The administration highlighted that Zaporizhia was the first city in Ukraine to host a UN delegation, calling it a "historic visit."

Photo: Zaporizhzhia Regional State Administration

Photo: Zaporizhzhia Regional State Administration

His goal is to assess the humanitarian situation and identify ways to enhance support for those most affected by the war.

"We must keep our attention on Ukraine. This trip allows us to better grasp the scale of the challenges and coordinate assistance to be ready for any scenario," Fletcher emphasized.

Photo: Zaporizhzhia Regional State Administration

The UN delegation visited the site of a missile strike carried out by Russian troops on December 10, 2024, in the center of Zaporizhzhia.

The strike, caused by an Iskander-M missile hitting a private clinic, resulted in 11 fatalities and 22 injuries.

Photo: Zaporizhzhia Regional State Administration

The UN Under-Secretary-General also visited Zaporizhia's third "underground" school, which is set to become operational soon.

Photo: Zaporizhzhia Regional State Administration

This educational institution was built in full compliance with safety standards. It features concrete walls up to 80 cm thick, a ventilation system, modern classrooms, a lounge area, and dedicated rooms for children with special educational needs.

Photo: Zaporizhzhia Regional State Administration

The school will accommodate up to a thousand children studying in two shifts. The final preparations for the educational space are currently underway.

Photo: Zaporizhzhia Regional State Administration

Photo: Zaporizhzhia Regional State Administration

On the evening of January 12, a Russian drone attack targeted Zaporizhzhia, injuring one person.

Later that evening, Ivan Fedorov, head of the Zaporizhzhia Regional State Administration (RSA), warned of the ongoing threat of drone strikes in the Zaporizhzhia region and other parts of Ukraine, where an air alert was declared. Within half an hour, explosions were reported in the city. According to Fedorov, a private house in Zaporizhzhia was set ablaze by an enemy drone.

"Preliminarily, one person was injured," he stated.

This follows an attack on January 11, when Russian forces used a drone to strike a car carrying civilians in the village of Prymorske, Zaporizhzhia region. A 47-year-old resident was killed, and four others were injured—two men, aged 46 and 60, and two women, aged 49 and 52. "They are all in the hospital now. One of the men is in extremely serious condition. The doctors are providing all necessary assistance," Fedorov wrote.

In the past week alone, the Russian Federation has conducted hundreds of airstrikes on Ukraine. Strengthening the country's air defense, with support from Western partners, remains a critical priority.

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