Latvian volunteer Edgar Platonov killed fighting for Ukraine

Edgar Platonov, a serviceman with the International Legion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, was killed in action.

Rubryka writes, citing a report from the Latvian Armed Forces.

The Latvian volunteer died on December 25 last year near Novoyehorivka in the Luhansk region. He was 41 years old.

Latvian President Edgars Rinkēvičs expressed his condolences over Platonov's death.

"Another of our volunteers has given their life defending the freedom and independence of Ukraine. Our deepest condolences to the family and comrades of Edgar Platonov. Eternal memory to the hero," he wrote.

Edgar Platonov served in the International Legion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"We extend our deepest condolences to the family of volunteer soldier Edgar Platonov, who died in Ukraine. He gave his life selflessly fighting against the Russian occupation forces," stated the Latvian Armed Forces.

According to Delfi, Edgar Platonov joined Ukraine's Armed Forces as a volunteer, despite having no prior service in the Latvian Armed Forces.

This is not the first Latvian volunteer to fall in Ukraine since February 2022. On the night of October 1, 2023, 28-year-old Latvian citizen Vitālijs Smirnovs was killed in a Russian drone strike near Lyman, in the Donetsk region.

What is known about foreigners fighting for Ukraine

Let us recall that foreign citizens are already fighting in the Defense Forces of Ukraine, but not as representatives of the armed forces of their countries, but as volunteers.

Even at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky called on citizens of foreign countries who are friends of Ukraine to join the territorial defense forces.

A separate unit was formed from them – the International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine. Already in March 2022, the Ministry of Defense reported that the International Legion includes representatives of 55 countries.

In addition, a website has been launched in Ukraine that contains all the necessary information for citizens of foreign countries who want to join the International Legion of Defense of Ukraine.

Also in June 2024, the GUR reported on the simplification of military intelligence service for foreigners.

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