The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) reported that.
ISW experts note that Russian security forces consider it necessary to intensify military operations in Ukraine and not to seek a negotiated solution to the war.
The Russians admit that their troops are not achieving significant territorial gains proportional to human resources and equipment losses.
Despite this, the Russian military command continues to suffer significant personnel losses in exchange for tactical but not operational achievements.
"Average daily Russian advances slowed by roughly nine square kilometers in December 2024 after three straight months of increasing territorial gains and personnel losses in September, October, and November 2024.
However, the Russian military command may be less willing than Putin to incur such high casualty rates if Russian forces' rate of advance continues to slow," the ISW report says.
Despite this, Russian security services and military officials are not ready to end the war because of these losses. Instead, they are urging the Russian dictator to increase the military effort, proposing partial calls to the reserve to fill the battlefield with human resources and equipment.
Key takeaways:
According to reports, the recently elected President of the United States, Donald Trump, announced plans for a meeting with the Kremlin leader, Vladimir Putin. However, he did not provide a specific date for the talks.
The Kremlin has not yet commented on Trump's statement. However, Putin's press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, told reporters the day before that if Trump maintains his intention to contact the Russian ruler after the inauguration on January 20, Moscow would welcome it.
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