Photo: AP
Kellogg said this on a Fox News broadcast.
Kellogg agreed with President-elect Donald Trump's views on criticizing US President Joe Biden. The future representative stated that Biden's significant error was not engaging in dialogue with Russian leader Vladimir Putin during the two-year-long war.
"The President [Trump – ed.] does one great thing – he talks to both adversaries and allies. And he knows that it's not easy, but he really knows what you need to talk to people to achieve the result, and that's exactly what he's going to do," Kellogg emphasized.
He specified that American officials would create the "necessary conditions" for Trump to talk to both Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
"I think they will come to an acceptable solution shortly. When I talk about the near future, I would like to set a goal on a personal level; on a professional level, I would say, let's mark 100 days and move. And let's see how we can do it shortly to make sure that the solution is strong, sustainable and that this war ends so that we stop the bloody slaughter," the future special representative noted.
He explained that ending Russia's war against Ukraine is essential for US national security and is part of American interests.
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