Photo: Collage / 5th Channel
The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) reported that.
"Ukrainian forces recently made tactical advances amid continued intensified offensive operations in the Ukrainian salient in the Kursk region on January 6," American analysts noted.
According to experts, geolocation footage released on January 5 and 6 indicates that Ukrainian forces have recently advanced:
On January 6, the Russian Defense Ministry and Russian bloggers announced that Russian forces successfully pushed back a Ukrainian mechanized attack of about a platoon size near Berdin. They also reported that the Russian troops, including members of the "Talib" group from the Russian Guard, had successfully countered Ukrainian attacks near Novosotnitsky.
"Russian military bloggers claimed that elements of the Russian 30th Motorized Rifle Regiment (72nd Motorized Rifle Division, 44th Army Corps [AC], Leningrad Military District [LMD]), 2nd Spetsnaz Brigade (Russian General Staff's Main Directorate [GRU]), 11th Airborne (VDV) Brigade, and Akhmat Spetsnaz units cleared areas near Berdin and Novosotnitsky," ISW noted.
One Russian blogger described these Ukrainian attacks as increased intelligence, which could be a preparation for future operations or a diversionary maneuver.
"Increased Ukrainian offensive operations in Kursk Oblast may be the beginning stages of a concerted Ukrainian operation in Kursk Oblast or elsewhere in the theater, though ISW is unprepared to offer any specific forecast," the analysts specified.
In addition, ISW noted that Russian forces tried to use the Ukrainian attacks to conduct their offensives in other areas of the Ukrainian offensive in the Kursk region, but these claims remain unconfirmed.
Analysts also suggest that Ukrainian forces may continue to launch long-range strikes on Russian rear areas in the Kursk region.
"Ukrainian forces may be continuing to conduct long-range strikes against Russian rear areas in the Kursk region as part of efforts to use integrated strike capabilities to support ground operations," the experts noted.
However, ISW has not yet been able to confirm this data independently.
Key ISW findings for January 6:
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