Photo: Ihor Babiy
This was reported on the PISPA website.
Ihor Babiy received an honorable mention in the Black & White SP category for the photo "Photograph No. 19 from the artist's collection Street Photo #1".
The photo shows a man photographing his wife, who recently became a mother, near a lake in the Pozniaky district of Kyiv. She is sitting on a concrete wall, forming a bird's figure with her hands – a symbol of flight.
"This photo is about love and motherhood, the hopes of a young family, the power of the moment, and my vision of the world around us. I am glad that a fragment of our Ukrainian reality has found a response in the hearts of the international jury," the photographer wrote on Instagram.
For reference:
The Paris International Street Photo Awards is an annual competition dedicated to the art of street photography. Photographers worldwide participate, demonstrating their vision of moments from people's lives in different corners of the planet.
It should be noted that the American magazine Time recently released its 100 best photos of 2024, which feature images capturing the war in Ukraine, pro-Palestinian demonstrations in New York, and the US presidential election. Rubryka has handpicked photos from Time's list that are connected to Ukraine.
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