
Families of marines held captive for 1000 days in Russia stage peaceful protest in Kyiv: Rubryka’s photo report

On January 6, a rally was held in support of the captured marines on Independence Square in Kyiv. Relatives and friends gathered to once again remind society and the world that they are waiting for the exchange of those who were not afraid to stand up for Ukraine's free future and now need our support.

Rubryka reports this, referring to Suspilne.

According to the organizers, the protest was named "1000 Days of Captivity," reflecting the duration of time the imprisoned marines from the Ilyich Plant in Mariupol have been held captive since their capture in April 2022.

One of the individuals captured at that time is Lesia's husband. She arrived at the picket with her son, and they have been waiting for their loved one's return for 33 months.

"Nearly a year later, confirmation came through the International Committee of the Red Cross that my husband, who had been captured 13 months prior, was still in captivity. I saw a video of him in Russian public forums, proving that he was indeed being held prisoner. In the summer, another soldier who had shared a cell with him for several months was released, and I learned that my husband was alive and doing well. He had been wounded in March before his capture," Lesia said.

People were holding flags and photos of captured defenders, including Hanna, who held onto a picture of her husband, who had served for 11 years. The last time Hanna had spoken to her husband was before he was taken captive, during which he expressed doubt about his survival.

"I am here today to stand by my husband, who has been in captivity for over 30 months. Unfortunately, we have to wait so long to fight because there are a huge number of prisoners. It is very difficult to return to the garrison of Mariupol. My husband was at the Ilyich factory, but he and some other men attempted to escape Mariupol and reach Zaporizhzhia, where they were captured in an aerial attack. I am aware of his location and know some information about his well-being. He is being held in a remote facility with no access, making it impossible for us to exchange letters. We have only heard from those who were released that he is alive," the woman said.

Relatives of fallen defenders also took to the rally. Participants laid flowers on the Alley of Flags. They honored the soldiers with a minute of silence. Relatives of fighters whose fate is unknown also came.

A representative from the Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War was present at the event. The official said they are currently actively working on exchanging captured soldiers who defended the Mariupol garrison. According to him, they were expected to be exchanged by the New Year, but it did not work out.

"Almost every third prisoner is a military 36 brigade or 3057 of the National Guard. The entire units that were in the Mariupol garrison were captured. They [the Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War members – ed.] constantly work on their exchange. They were planned to exchange them before the New Year, but it didn't work out," a representative of the coordination headquarters said.

Moreover, on January 6, relatives of the military airborne assault troops gathered for a rally in Kyiv. Hundreds of relatives and close friends of Ukrainian prisoners attended the Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War, demanding that their loved ones be located and included in the exchange lists.

Rubryka's photo correspondent, Mykola Tymchenko, attended the event.

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