Solutions to win: Ukrainian teenager creates system for UAVs to combat electronic warfare through AI technology

Ukrainian teenager Vadym Dobrovolsky has created a system using artificial intelligence that enables UAVs to switch to a different frequency, thus avoiding the interference of electronic warfare.

The Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine reported that.

What is the problem?

"Since childhood, I have been fascinated by electronics and create various devices that make everyday life easier. When a full-scale war began, my father went to the front, and from that moment on, I decided that all my projects would be aimed at supporting our defenders.

My father became a drone operator, then I learned what risks he faces during his work," Vadym said.

What was the solution?

According to Vadym Dobrovolsky, this was the driving force behind his invention of a device designed to store drones and safeguard operators from potential hazards.

He devised a system incorporating artificial intelligence that enables drones to switch to a different frequency unaffected by electronic interference.

The young developer showcased his project at the finals of the World Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge held in New York.

"For me, any international event is about interesting acquaintances and new knowledge. The World Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge is no exception.

There I found a mentor who is now helping me form my startup team," the young man noted.

How does it work?

As Vadym mentioned, when a drone loses contact due to enemy electronic warfare, it either falls or returns to its initial location.

This can result in the loss of the UAV or the revelation of the operator's whereabouts to the enemy.

Thanks to the system developed by the young man, the drone is able to utilize AI and switch to an alternate frequency to avoid interference from electronic warfare. This technology can be incorporated into all types of drones.

In the coming months, the developer plans to assemble a team to assist in expanding the project. Afterwards, he plans to secure a patent for the device and begin mass production.

For reference:

It should be noted that the technological startup "Antidrone Ukraine" presented a new portable electronic warfare system (EW) for the Defense Forces of Ukraine. The compact and lightweight device weighing only 10 kilograms (without battery) is capable of operating autonomously for 2 to 5 hours.

It was previously reported that Chernihiv schoolchildren have created a device for detecting drones that will help on the front lines. The inventors plan to make the device more durable and improve it based on feedback from the military to ensure reliability and effectiveness in combat conditions.

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