Russia attacks Chernihiv region with guided bombs: 7 injured, hospital, cafe, and houses damaged

Late in the evening on January 4, Russian forces dropped four guided aerial bombs on the border town of Semenivka in the Chernihiv region.

This was reported by Viacheslav Chaus, head of the Chernihiv Regional State Administration, and the National Police of Ukraine, as cited by Rubryka.

According to Chaus, the attack targeted the central part of the town, striking a residential area and causing significant damage and civilian casualties.

"On the evening of January 4, the Russians dropped four guided aerial bombs on the border town of Semenivka. They aimed at the central part, at a residential area," the report stated.

Photo: National Police of Ukraine

As of 23:00, seven people have been reported injured. Medics are providing necessary assistance to those affected.

Search and rescue operations are still underway. All specialized services involved in addressing the aftermath of the shelling are actively working at the scene.

Photo: National Police of Ukraine

The airstrike caused significant damage to:

  • An administrative building,
  • A local hospital,
  • A cafe,
  • Several residential buildings,
  • Civilian-owned cars.

Law enforcement officers confirmed that the attack deliberately targeted the central part of the city, specifically a residential area.

Photo: National Police of Ukraine

The police are documenting the aftermath of the strikes and gathering evidence of the occupiers' latest war crimes.

Based on these events, investigators have initiated criminal proceedings under Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, "Violation of the Laws and Customs of War."

Additionally, a rescue operation in Chernihiv following the January 3 strike was completed on January 4. The attack resulted in one person killed and seven injured due to Russian shelling.

It is worth noting that earlier on January 4, in the afternoon, Russian forces dropped an aerial bomb on a residential high-rise building in the Sumy region, injuring 10 people. Later that evening, emergency workers concluded rescue operations in the same area, with the number of casualties remaining unchanged.


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