US defense department confirms Ramstein meeting in January

During the upcoming Ramstein format meeting, scheduled for January 9, 2025, the Contact Group on Defense of Ukraine will concentrate on practical and coordinated measures to enhance Ukraine's defense capabilities both in the short and long term.

This was announced by Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh during a briefing.

Pentagon Chief Lloyd Austin will travel to Germany on January 7 to lead the 25th meeting of the Contact Group. According to Singh, Secretary Austin will reaffirm the United States' unwavering support for Ukraine and, alongside international partners, will work to coordinate assistance aimed at bolstering Ukraine's defensive strength.

"Together with defense ministers and military leaders from around the world, Secretary Austin will focus on providing practical and coordinated support that strengthens Ukraine's ability to defend itself today and deter aggression in the future," Singh stated.

The Pentagon has promised to share more details about the US Secretary of Defense's initiatives in the coming days.

Radio Liberty reports that Pentagon Chief Lloyd Austin will chair the meeting at Ramstein Air Base, as confirmed by the base's Public Relations Office.

The upcoming Ramstein format meeting, set to be held in person, will mark the 25th session of the Contact Group on Defense of Ukraine.

The Office of the President of Ukraine has outlined key topics for discussion at the first meeting of the new Contact Group. Among the agenda items is Ukraine's application for NATO membership and security guarantees for the country until it joins the alliance, along with other issues, including military support for Ukraine.

Previously, the meeting was scheduled for October 2024 in Germany but was postponed due to a hurricane in Florida, which led to the cancellation of US President Joe Biden's visit to Germany. At that time, the meeting was to be chaired by President Biden, with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky also expected to attend. The Ukrainian leader had planned to present his Victory Plan during the session.

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