As reported by Rubryka, referencing the Facebook page of the Ukrainian Youth Association (CYM Global), this camp adds to the Union's century-long tradition of organizing diverse camps, including educational, school, travel, preparatory, charitable, and youth-focused events.
Recently, a new and exciting format was added to this list — a dance and vocal camp. In Tallinn, the Union of Ukrainian Youth in Estonia, in collaboration with the Association of Ukrainian Organizations, organized the city camp "Volja linnalaager" for children aged 7–14, with support from the Estonian Ministry of Culture and the Integration Fund.
With the support of the Estonian Ministry of Culture and the Integration Fund, this new format—a city camp—aimed to:
The organizers noted that the camp achieved all its objectives and represented a significant step in strengthening connections among young people while maintaining Ukrainian identity abroad.
"We are thrilled that all the organizers' plans were successfully realized! We extend our congratulations to CYM members in Estonia for this meaningful initiative, especially as they celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Union of Ukrainian Youth," the organizers stated.
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