Ukraine prepares to produce “Trembita” and other high-impact weapons for long-range deployment – The Telegraph

Currently, Ukraine is producing an improved version of the "Trembita" missile, which will be able to reach Moscow.

The Telegraph reported that.

According to the publication, the new Ukrainian cruise missile "Trembita" "could become the greatest symbol of Ukraine's desire for firepower autonomy."

"In anticipation of the day when it runs out of special American ammunition – primarily ballistic missiles of the Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) with a range of 190 miles (over 300 km, – ed.), Ukraine is preparing to create "Trembita" and other long-range, deep-attack munitions," the article says.

Describing this weapon, journalists note that this missile is only seven feet long [about 2 m, – ed.] and weighs 200 pounds [about 100 kg, – ed.].

The "Trembita" missile combines a loud pulse jet engine with a simple design – a tubular fuselage and a square wing – and simple guidance, GPS. This simplicity gives "Trembita" its best feature – its low cost," the authors note.

The basic "Trembita" model, which has been in development since 2023, is priced at a reasonable $10,000. It has a range of approximately 90 miles (equivalent to almost 145 km) and a 40-pound warhead (equivalent to over 12 meters).

According to The Telegraph, the Ukrainian firm building "Trembita" is working on a larger, longer-range version that "should be able to reach Moscow, which is 400 miles [almost 650 km] from the Ukrainian border."

"This version, which should be ready in about a year, will undoubtedly cost more than $10,000, but it will still be potentially the cheapest deep-strike munition in the world," the journalists write, adding that, for example, ATACMS costs more than 1 million dollars.

As the publication writes, "Trembita" cannot be compared to ATACMS, Storm Shadow, or SCALP because it lacks "the payload of the American ammunition, the penetrating power of the British and French ammunition, and the accuracy of all three."

"The "Trembita" squall can work well, say, against a sprawling factory complex. Although, perhaps, it will not work so well against underground command bunkers," the authors note.

As summarized, relying more on their own weapons, "the Ukrainians may have to resort to a different set of targets."

For reference:

Back in April, Rubryka had already released news about Ukrainian designers working on a compact cruise missile called "Trembita," which features a unique pulsating air-jet engine.

Technical characteristics of the missile:

  • Tail weight: 100 kg;
  • Warhead weight: 20 kg;
  • Range: over 140 km;
  • Speed: over 400 km/h;
  • Maximum flight altitude: 2000 m;
  • Minimum flight altitude: 30 m;
  • Engine: 30 hp.

Rubryka wrote that volunteer engineers developing the Ukrainian combat missile "Trembita" propose using it to hit targets and as a decoy for the air defense systems of the aggressor country.

On August 24, during the Independence Day celebrations, Zelensky announced the first successful combat use of the Ukrainian drone missile "Palianytsia."

The president noted that the Ukrainian missile is within the range of two dozen Russian military airfields. The missile's development was completed quickly—within a year and a half.

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