Rebuilding Ukraine: restoration of Shukhevych museum damaged by Russian forces begins in Lviv

In Lviv, preparatory work is underway to restore the museum of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army General-Coroner Roman Shukhevych, which was destroyed as a result of a Russian attack.

The Lviv City Council reported this.

What is the problem?

It should be noted that the Roman Shukhevych museum and the university building in Dubliany, where Stepan Bandera once studied, were damaged as a result of Russian shelling on the night of January 1, 2024.

At the end of February, an All-Ukrainian open architectural competition was announced in Lviv for a design proposal for the museum's restoration.

The winning sketch of the restoration project for the destroyed Roman Shukhevych museum was already presented on June 30; the central element of the museum's exposition will be the object where the Ukrainian Insurgent Army General-Coroner died.

What is the solution?

Currently, preparatory work is underway to restore the museum of the General-Coroner Roman Shukhevych.

"Preparatory work has been ongoing on the territory of the Roman Shukhevych Museum in Bilohorshcha for three weeks. Lviv Communal Enterprise "Rembud" employees preserved valuable historical elements, cleared the territory, dismantled the parquet, and damaged flooring in the surviving rooms.

In general, the site was leveled and prepared for construction work, scaffolding was installed, and construction debris was removed," the post says.

Photo: Lviv City council / Roman Baluk

It is reported that valuable artifacts were discovered during the clearing:

  • roofing,
  • elements of stairs,
  • a table leg,
  • fragments of an automatic machine gun – part of the museum exposition,
  • concrete flower beds.

The city council emphasizes that the found elements will be preserved.

Photo: Lviv City Council / Roman Baluk

How does it work?

As mentioned, the Lviv Communal Enterprise "Rembud" is currently conducting the necessary preparations. They intend to hold an open bidding process to select the main contractor for the construction work.

Photo: Lviv City Council / Roman Baluk

The city council says that the team of architects has already completed more than 85% of the working project, and all project documentation will be completed in early 2025.

Photo: Lviv City Council / Roman Baluk

They also mentioned that the museum's premises will have new areas.

Specifically, they will convert the abandoned farm buildings into a space for hosting events that focus on instilling patriotic values in the youth.

Photo: Lviv City Council / Roman Baluk

They plan to create a park named after Roman Shukhevych with educational zones near the lake, install street furniture, and equip the area around the monument.

As mentioned, the space will be fully accessible, with a folding lift in the building and a barrier-free entrance to the museum. There will also be shelter available.

Photo: Lviv City Council / Roman Baluk

According to Yevhen Boyko, the head of the executive committee of the Lviv City Council, the Shukhevych Museum will be restored through the joint efforts of benefactors, the city community, patrons, and all those who care. The NGO "New Museum" has opened an account for this purpose.

"Over the past three years, the organization has raised over UAH 11 million to support Ukrainian museums, and this expertise is being used to restore the Shukhevych Museum.

A Supervisory Board will be created, its functions being to monitor the use and distribution of funds and the phasing of work on the restoration and reconstruction of the museum," Boyko said.

Photo: Lviv City Council / Roman Baluk

For reference:

It should be noted that the Roman Shukhevych Museum, located in the regional center of Lviv and destroyed by enemy drones, has been digitized.

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