Solutions from Ukraine: in Kyiv, wives of fallen soldiers plant trees to commemorate their husbands

At the Sovky Park in Kyiv, the wives of fallen Ukrainian soldiers paid homage to their memory by planting maple trees.

The organization "Heroes' Memorial" reported that.

The wives of soldiers who died in battle planted ten holly maples, each representing a brave defender who sacrificed their life for Ukraine.

Photo: Heroes' Memorial
Photo: Heroes' Memorial
Photo: Heroes' Memorial

A QR code was placed on the trees, which allows one to find the soldiers' biographies.

The trees were planted in honor of the following soldiers:

  • Oleksandr Pokydchenko;
  • Yurii Kudlinsky;
  • Artem Kravchenko;
  • Andrii Zrazhevsky;
  • Petro Heliuta;
  • Dmytro Hlavinsky;
  • Volodymyr Makarov;
  • Ihor Myshak;
  • Yaroslav Yaniv;
  • Vasyl Chernietsov.

Photo: Facebook / Heroes' Memorial

According to the wife of the fallen defender Oleksandr Pokydchenko, this place is symbolic and associated with good memories of a happy life without war.

"It is important for every family to carry the memory of their relatives who gave their lives for you and me, for a peaceful sky, for Ukraine. This memory lives on in every tree, in each of us, and in everyone who approaches the trees, scans the QR code, and learns the stories of the defenders. It is crucial for every family to ensure that their Hero's memory is preserved," shared the wife of the fallen soldier Oleksandr Pokydchenko, Polina Soboleva.

Photo: Facebook / Heroes' Memorial

For reference:

It is worth mentioning that, at the suggestion of the families of the deceased soldiers, 30 hornbeam trees were planted in Levandiv Park in Lviv. Each tree is dedicated to and named after a specific defender. The names and call signs of the Heroes, along with their birth and death dates, are engraved on metal plates in the shape of chevrons.

Furthermore, a sound installation titled "Tree of Memory" was unveiled in Zaporizhzhia to commemorate the Ukrainian defenders who lost their lives. The sculpture's metal "branches" are adorned with pipes instead of leaves, producing a resounding sound to symbolize the persistent echoes of the fallen soldiers' voices.

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