The department reported this on Facebook.
"After a large-scale cyberattack by the Russians, the Unified Register of Powers of Attorney, the Inheritance Register, and the Unified Register of Special Forms of Notarial Documents have started working," the message says.
The Ministry of Justice specified that from now on, notaries can:
The department noted that all notarial actions performed without access to the registers will be recorded within five working days. Enhanced cyber protection measures have been implemented.
"We are working on opening other registers," the Ministry of Justice added.
Minister of Justice Olha Stefanishyna stated that the Russians attacked to disrupt the work of critical infrastructure. Previously, only state registers were affected by the attack.
Former Minister of Justice Dmytro Maliuska noted that most information from the state registers that Russian hackers attacked was already freely available. However, the Russians managed to destroy the State Register of Civil Status Acts, one of the most secret.
For reference:
It should be noted that hackers from Ukraine's intelligence recently successfully attacked Gazprombank's systems.
Recently, Ukraine's intelligence conducted a massive cyberattack on Russian Internet services. Cyber experts specifically targeted the Russian Federation's financial sector. The attack lasted a week and aimed to disrupt central Russian banks' services. The hackers also targeted Russian providers, national payment systems, social networks, messengers, government resources, and other services.
In addition, problems with ATM operations were observed in Russia due to a large-scale cyberattack by Ukraine's intelligence services.
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