Solutions to win: Ministry of Defense trials new command center for drone-equipped units

The Ministry of Defense and a Ukrainian manufacturer have begun testing a control point for units equipped with drones.

The defense department's press service reported that.

What is the problem?

First Deputy Minister of Defense Lieutenant General Ivan Havryliuk emphasized that unmanned units have significantly increased and require specialized combat control equipment.

What is the solution?

Domestic gunsmiths have proposed a technical solution to this request.

Currently, the Ministry of Defense and a Ukrainian manufacturer have begun testing a control point for units equipped with drones.

"The new equipment model will be tested and evaluated by commanders of combat units.

If the development meets the requirements, we will codify it and make it available for mass production. We must technologically outperform the enemy," Havryliuk emphasized.

Photo: Ministry of Defense

How does it work?

It is noted that the requirements of the Ministry of Defense for the control point are, in particular:

  • maximum autonomy,
  • equipment with modern means of communication and electronic warfare.

The new equipment model should be able to control unmanned system units in all types of weather, whether they are stationary or in motion.

The control point's cabin will have automated workstations with an interactive panel.

The commander will be able to swiftly analyze the situation and make prompt decisions while controlling units, ultimately enhancing their effectiveness.

The base for this innovative development should be a specialized vehicle with increased cross-country ability. An all-wheel-drive vehicle will solve the problem of sufficient maneuverability and movement of the control point off-road.

The Main Directorate of Defense Innovations of the Ministry of Defense supports the project's implementation stages.

For reference:

As reported, the Ministry of Defense codified and authorized using the Ukrainian-made "Shchedryk" unmanned aerial vehicle complex in the Defense Forces.

Moreover, the Ministry of Defense will allocate an additional UAH 1.1 billion to purchase drones. These funds will be transferred directly to the brigades to finance the most critical needs.

The Ministry of Defense also codified and authorized the operation of the domestically produced TOKKO unmanned aerial vehicle complex. Its kamikaze drones are resistant to the effects of enemy electronic warfare equipment.

In addition, the Ministry of Defense codified and authorized the use of the new Ukrainian-made SOVA 10 UAV in the Defense Forces.

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