The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) reported that.
Experts note that Putin directly rejected the proposal considered by the Trump team to postpone Ukraine's membership in NATO for at least ten years as a condition for ending the war in Ukraine.
The review indicates that the head of the Kremlin responded on December 26 to a journalist's request to comment on the proposal of the Trump team to postpone Ukraine's membership in NATO for 10-20 years.
Putin stated that it does not matter whether Ukraine joins NATO "today, tomorrow or in 10 years".
"Putin's December 26 statement is part of a series of comments he has made recently reiterating his refusal to consider compromises on his late 2021 and early 2022 demands.
These demands include forcing Ukraine to become a permanently neutral state that will never join NATO, imposing severe limitations on the size of the Ukrainian military, and removing the Ukrainian government," the ISW report said.
ISW key findings for December 26:
Earlier, on December 26, the dictator of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, answering questions about the prospects for ending the war in Ukraine in 2025, stated that he "aims" to end it but is still going to achieve his "goals."
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