Ukrainian Air Force strikes Russian ballistics fuel plant in Rostov region

The Ukrainian Air Force attacked a factory in the Rostov region. The facility manufactures fuel for ballistic missiles. Moreover, in Crimea, a drone successfully struck the Russian Federation's seized ship, "Fedor Uryupin," which initially belonged to Ukraine in 2014. The incident occurred on December 23, but the news has just been made public.

The Strategic Communications Department of Ukraine's armed forces reported that on Telegram.

Voronezh region

As noted, the Ukrainian Air Force recently carried out a precision strike on a military-industrial complex facility in the city of Kamyansk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov Region.

Ukraine's armed forces Strategic Command emphasizes that Russia used this enterprise to produce solid fuel for ballistic missiles.

The occupiers are using these missiles to attack civilian infrastructure facilities in Ukraine, including hospitals, residential buildings, and power plants.

"This fire attack is part of a comprehensive campaign to weaken the capabilities of the armed forces of the Russian Federation to carry out terrorist attacks against civilians in Ukraine," the message reads.

Photo: screenshot


In the temporarily occupied Crimea, a drone hit the ship "Fedor Uryupin," captured by the Russians in Ukraine in 2014.

"In the bay near the village of Chornomorske in Crimea, a drone hit the ship. This happened on Monday, December 23, at around 5:00 p.m.," the Telegram channel Crimean Wind reported.

According to updates from the monitoring Telegram channel, the drone collided with the side of the ship "Fedor Uryupin." The impact occurred above the waterline, and while the boat did not sink, it sustained damage.

For reference:

The vessel "Fedor Uryupin" was constructed in 2010 and was taken from Ukraine in 2014 during the annexation of Crimea. According to a source from the Crimean Wind agency, the ship has not been in use lately.

In 2017, the Primorsky District Court of Odesa ordered the seizure of the "Chornomornaftogaz" enterprise's property, which the Russians had taken in 2014 in Crimea. This included 27 vessels, such as the tugboat "Fedor Uryupin."

As reported, the Russian Federation announced a UAV raid on the military airfield Baltimore.

As the head of the Center for Countering Disinformation, Andrii Kovalenko stated, on December 18, the "Kamensky Combine"—one of the largest chemical enterprises in Russia—was attacked in the Rostov region.

The plant is located 14 km from the border with Ukraine but 160-170 km from the current front line. The enterprise is known to manufacture solid fuel for missiles. Its products are used in ammunition for the Uragan, Smerch, Tornado-S MLRS, and Iskander ballistic missiles.

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