Solutions from Ukraine: Kyivska Koliada community popularizes Christmas folk traditions near Motherland monument in Kyiv

On Sunday, December 22, carols were sung at the base of the Motherland monument in the capital city. For the past seven years, the group "Kyivska Koliada" has been performing festive songs for both locals and visitors of Kyiv.

Suspilne reported that.

What is the problem?

The "Kyivska Koliada" community was created as a meeting place for children and adults who want to learn to sing carols and shchedrivky [Ukrainian folk songs traditionally sung on New Year's Eve, known as Shchedryi Vechir – ed.]. Its goal is to popularize Christmas folk traditions in a modern metropolis.

What is the solution?

This past Sunday, December 22, carols were sung in Kyiv at the base of the Motherland monument. The Kyivska Koliada group serenaded the city's residents and visitors for the seventh consecutive year with festive songs.

Photo: Rubryka / Mykola Tymchenko

How does it work?

The community has been gathering for the past seven years. Its members conduct research, study song traditions, and create new forms of festive greeting.

Photo: Rubryka / Mykola Tymchenko

Photo: Rubryka / Mykola Tymchenko

Almost since its foundation, "Kyivska Koliada" has come out to Kyiv residents with a Christmas carol twice:

  • December 25,
  • January 7.

Photo: Rubryka / Mykola Tymchenko

Photo: Rubryka / Mykola Tymchenko

As the Orthodox Church of Ukraine transitions to the new Julian calendar, community members congratulate Ukrainians on Christmas on December 25.

Photo: Rubryka / Mykola Tymchenko

Photo: Rubryka / Mykola Tymchenko

For reference:

Carols are festive songs traditionally sung during the winter holidays by Slavic people. Initially, they were part of pagan rituals, specifically the Koliada rites, which honored the rebirth of the sun and their ancestors. These rituals have remained a steadfast tradition.

In Christianity, carols are primarily linked with Christmas, and their lyrics embody "folk Christianity," a reinterpretation of pagan beliefs and customs.

People who sing carols are typically referred to as carolers, and the act of singing carols is called caroling.

Rubryka's photographer, Mykola Tymchenko, visited the Motherland monument, where carols were being played.

It should be noted that on the eve of Christmas, young scouts, members of the "Plast" scout organization,  handed over the Bethlehem Peace Flame to the Ukrainian parliament.

There were also reports that the Zagoriy Foundation released the third installment of their "Origins" series, which focuses on Ukrainian winter holidays and customs. The "Origins. Winter Cycle" guidebook seeks to incorporate traditional practices into corporate culture.

As Rubryka mentioned, the New Year is a time of wonder, presents, and family festivities. However, the celebration often results in much waste and unnecessary spending. For some easy pointers from Let's Do It Ukraine on how to plan an environmentally-friendly New Year, take a look at Rubryka's article "Celebrate with Awareness: An EcologicallyResponsible New Year."

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