Photo: ShoTam video screenshot
ShoTam reports this.
What is the problem?
Historian Halyna Yerko, who has dedicated over 20 years to promoting gender equality through education, believes that the ongoing conflict in Ukraine has exacerbated environmental issues that have uneven impacts on both women and men.
Photo: ShoTam video screenshot
In particular, women are more likely to suffer from limited access to clean water or are forced to perform overtime work related to the household, which worsens their living conditions.
What is the solution?
These observations became the basis for the development of a game that combines ecology and gender issues.
Photo: ShoTam video screenshot
This game helps to better understand the connection between gender and climate challenges.
Photo: ShoTam video screenshot
How does it work?
The board game, which is already being used for training in various cities of Ukraine, is aimed at:
Photo: ShoTam video screenshot
The participants of the game analyze:
They also look for ways to use resources effectively and responsibly.
Photo: ShoTam video screenshot
Halyna Yerko hopes that the game will help participants to better understand modern global problems and motivate them to take responsible actions in everyday life.
"We want people to understand the importance of resources and their rational use, and also to think about how their actions affect others," Halyna Yerko says.
Photo: ShoTam video screenshot
You can find out more about the game and its creation history in the ShoTam video.
For reference:
According to reports, the NGO "United by Sport" has launched a social campaign called "This is my game." This impactful video series is promoting gender equality in sports, with the goal of breaking down stereotypes and demonstrating that there are no sports that are just for men.
Moreover, in Ukraine, female surgeons have created a project to support female surgeons and fight discrimination.
In general, achieving gender equality worldwide at the current pace of progress will take 134 years or five generations.
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