BGV company and boxing champion Oleksandr Usyk launch Critical Challenges Temper campaign to share inspiring stories about Ukrainians

This Saturday, December 21, one of the most highly anticipated fights in the boxing world will occur: the rematch between Oleksandr Usyk and Tyson Fury. As the event draws near, BGV Group Management, a long-standing partner of the Ukrainian champion for the past decade, has launched a communication campaign titled "Critical Challenges Temper."

Rubryka reports this with reference to BGV Group Management.

The concept is to share the stories of Ukrainians who confront challenging obstacles daily and gather the courage to persevere despite the odds. The military plays a significant role in protecting the country and making daily high-stakes decisions. Their resilience enables doctors to continue saving lives, teachers to educate the next generation, athletes to represent Ukraine on the global stage, and businesses to work towards economic growth and job creation.

The stories of all the heroes can be found on the campaign page.

"Our partnership with Oleksandr Usyk is a story about shared values ​​and faith in the power of challenges that temper. For ten years now, we have been supporting Oleksandr, who proves by his example that perseverance and hard work can lead to the highest peaks. Our goal as a business is to reveal the country's potential in various areas step by step, from the development of sports, education, and critical infrastructure to innovative production, the extractive industry, and a sustainable future. And all this is possible thanks to Ukrainians who are ready to work despite any obstacles," BGV Group Management says.

"You cannot achieve success without hard work. When I enter the ring, I always fight, first of all, against my own limitations. My toughest opponent is myself. This is my inner "self" that tells me: stop, rest, you already have a lot. And I tell him: shut up, I don't know you!" Oleksandr Usyk comments on the campaign and his challenges.

One of the campaign's heroes was Elemir, a soldier in the airborne assault unit.

"For me, as a soldier, the most important challenge is to be in constant combat readiness. Even when it is tough, I train every day because I know that the life of a comrade may depend on my physical fitness. To carry a wounded person from the battlefield, you need extraordinary strength and endurance. This is constant work on yourself, both physically and mentally," he says.

Soldier of the airborne assault troops Elemir. Photo: BGV

Oksana, Dean of the State University "Zhytomyr Polytechnic", mentioned:

"I'm happy that I can give opportunities to those who dream of this but might be scared or unable to recognize their abilities. I provide them with these opportunities and sometimes challenge them, but in this way, I temper their resilience."

Oksana, Dean of the State University "Zhytomyr Polytechnic". Photo: BGV

Maksym, a mechanic at the Granite Quarry LLC Crushed Stone Plant, noted:

"In February 2022, we had neither Poland, nor England, nor France, nor training grounds. Then, no one was trained – we just had a brigade, weapons, and ammunition, and off we went. The first phrase our sergeant said to me after arriving at the front: "We must persevere." What motivated me then? The guys who served nearby. After the service, I returned to work at the granite quarry."

Maksym, a mechanic at the Granite Quarry LLC Crushed Stone Plant. Photo: BGV

For reference:

BGV Group Management, founded by Gennadii Butkevych in 2015, is an investment group dedicated to creating cutting-edge and highly efficient businesses that produce high-value products. This group encompasses five business areas: mining, energy, retail, development, and education. BGV currently employs over 2,000 people across nine regions in Ukraine, where its facilities are located. Over the past eight years, the company has invested over 100 million US dollars in Ukrainian mining projects, which could make Ukraine a world leader in certain areas.

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