United to win: Britain to propose $300 mln aid package for Ukraine

The UK will provide Kyiv with a new military aid package for Ukraine worth $286 million.

Reuters reports this.

As noted in the publication, Ukraine will receive from the UK:

  • equipment to strengthen the Ukrainian Navy, including small boats, reconnaissance drones, unmanned boats, drones for searching for ammunition, and mine countermeasure drones;
  • air defense assets, namely radars and ground equipment;
  • spare parts for systems previously delivered to Ukraine;
  • more than 1,000 electronic warfare systems against drones.

In addition, Britain promises to strengthen the training of the Ukrainian military.

"The brave people of Ukraine continue to defy all expectations with their unbreakable spirit. But they cannot go through this alone – which is why the UK will strengthen its international leadership on Ukraine throughout 2025," the country's Defense Secretary John Healey said.

The UK government recently announced an emergency support package of £35 million to help Ukraine restore the network and overcome the winter humanitarian challenges.

For reference:

Support for Ukraine from Western allies remains one of the key factors in the fight against Russian aggression. The UK has already made a significant contribution to military, economic and humanitarian aid, continuing to expand sanctions pressure on the Kremlin.

President Zelensky recently announced that there is a new decision by the UK regarding sanctions against the shadow tanker fleet. Thirty tankers have been sanctioned.

In addition, on November 19, the UK, as part of the drone coalition, allocated £7.5 million (over $9.5 million) for military aid to Ukraine. These funds will be used to purchase UAVs for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

A British artillery company will also open a new howitzer factory, a move aimed at increasing support for Ukraine.

In addition, Ukrainian recruits are practicing tactical skills in the field under the guidance of foreign instructors in the UK.


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