Time unveils Top 100 Photos of 2024, featuring powerful images from Ukraine

The American magazine Time recently released its 100 best photos of 2024, which feature images capturing the war in Ukraine, pro-Palestinian demonstrations in New York, and the US presidential election.

Rubryka has handpicked photos from Time's list that are connected to Ukraine.

Sofiia Gatilova—Reuters

Medical workers treat a victim after a Russian missile attack heavily damaged residential buildings in Kharkiv, Ukraine, on January 23.

Simon Townsley—Panos Pictures

An emergency worker helping in the evacuation of Vovchansk sits behind the steering wheel of a vehicle in May. Vovchansk was heavily shelled by Russian artillery whose forces crossed into Ukraine in what is reported to be an attempt to create a new front as part of their summer offensive.

Lynsey Addario for The New York Times

Sonia Kryvolapchuk, 5, lies semi-conscious next to her mother, Nataliia, 27, as she administers paracetamol with a syringe through a port as cancer has metastasized throughout her body from Retinoblastoma cancer at the Misto Dobra Palliative care center in Chernivtsi, Ukraine, July 28. Sonia was diagnosed with a brain tumor three years ago, and was scheduled to chemotherapy at the Ohmatdyt Hospital in Kyiv on Feb. 27, 2022, three days after the start of Russia's full scale war against Ukraine. When Russia began its full-scale invasion, Sonia's family was told the hospital was redirecting its resources to treat wounded soldiers, and Sonia's chemo would be delayed indefinitely. Nataliia and Sonia were diverted instead to Poland, where Sonia received many tests, but no treatment. By the time her mother decided to return to Ukraine for another attempt at treatment, her cancer had spread throughout her body. Sonia passed away in August 2024.

Nicole Tung—The New York Times/Redux

Ukrainian soldiers comfort Iryna Sharhorodska and her daughter Sonia, following the funeral for her husband Sergeant Oleksandr Sharhorodskyi, in Trebukhiv, Ukraine, on May 21.

Valentyn Ogirenko—Reuters

Women near a building damaged during Russian missile strikes in Kyiv, on July 8.

Roman Pilipey—AFP/Getty Images

Volunteers, including medics, help emergency and rescue personnel clear the rubble of a destroyed building at the Ohmatdyt Children's Hospital following a Russian missile attack in the Kyiv, on July 8.

As Kim Bubello, the Senior Photo Editor of Time, mentioned when discussing this year's photo list:

"Every year the TIME photo department sits down to curate the strongest images that crossed our path over the previous 12 months. Andevery year, sitting with the images, we find ourselves mulling the ways this collection feels heavier than the last, how the year produced images unlike what we've seen before.

But this year something else, a tautness, runs through the collection – the tension of conflict, the anxiety over outcome, anticipation of excitement or in possibility. Somehow, these photographers are able to capture that coiled feeling and hold it within the four walls of a frame. Be it by impeccable timing or intentional framing, they have created a time capsule that feels as if it's about to be opened."

For reference:

Each year, the American Time magazine releases its annual list of the best photos of the year. From powerful, thought-provoking images to heart-warming and awe-inspiring moments, the list showcases the most impactful and memorable moments captured by photographers around the world.

Through their lenses, these photojournalists provide a unique perspective on events that shape the world. They capture moments of joy, heartache, triumph, and devastation, allowing readers to be witnesses to history and providing a visual record for future generations.

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