Russian missiles target energy facilities across Ukraine – Ministry of Energy

The focus of the extensive missile attack carried out by Russian invaders on December 13 against Ukraine is energy.

Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko reported that on Facebook.

"The enemy continues its terror. Again, the energy sector throughout Ukraine is under massive attack," Halushchenko wrote.

According to him, energy workers are taking all necessary measures to minimize the negative consequences for the energy system.

"As soon as the security situation allows, the damage caused will be clarified," the minister added.

Ukrenergo has already reported that the volume of outages will increase due to the massive attack.

"Due to the massive missile attack on energy facilities, the volume of consumption restriction measures has been increased today," the message says.

The company reported that the current schedule of outages can be viewed on regional energy companies' websites or official pages.

As the director of Yasno company, Serhii Kovalenko, reported, three queues out of six will be applied.

"Ukrenergo has implemented stricter measures – resulting in 3 out of 6 queues without electricity. Be sure to check the updated Dnipro schedules on our website and app. The update for Kyiv is currently in progress and will be available soon," he wrote.

DTEK Company [the largest private investor in the energy sector of Ukraine – ed.] has published the outage schedules for today for Kyiv, the Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk, and Odesa regions.

For reference:

On the morning of December 13, the air raid siren sounded for several hours in some regions—Kyiv, Cherkasy, and Vinnytsia—before spreading to other regions.

Initially, the Ukrainian Air Force reported successfully thwarting the attack by Russian drones. However, subsequent monitoring sources revealed that Russian MiG31Ks, which are equipped with Kinzhal hypersonic missiles, took off and launched cruise missiles from the Black Sea.

In addition, the Air Force recorded the takeoff of several Tu-95MS strategic bombers from the Olenya airfield in the Murmansk region.

Explosions were heard in some cities and regions of Ukraine against this background.

According to the mayor of Odesa, Hennadii Trukhanov, there have been multiple explosions. According to Dumska, the city's electric transportation and water supply have been affected by the shelling. However, Suspilne Odesa stated that DTEK had revised its power outage schedule for Odesa and the surrounding area today, impacting the second and fourth groups.

According to the regional military administration in Kyiv, the air defense system was operational.

However, missile movement has shifted to the western regions of Ukraine, specifically Ternopil, Lviv, and Ivano-Frankivsk. There have also been reports of explosions in these areas.

The number of queues for power supply restrictions has increased in the Ternopil region. Currently, half of the region's residents are without electricity. According to the regional military administration, the scope of consumption restriction measures has increased from 1 to 3 queues at a time.

"50% of regional consumers have been disconnected," the regional administration adds.

According to reports, a state of air alert was announced across Ukraine on the morning of December 13 due to ongoing enemy missile attacks.

Also, on the morning of December 13, Kharkiv again became the target of Russian shelling.

After a short pause, on December 12, Russia attacked Ukrainian regions with Shahed drones for the first time in two days.

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