The head of the Sheptytskyi district state administration, Andrii Diachenko, reported that.
"I congratulate Sofiia Lipnevych on her victory at Asia's largest international exhibition of inventions and designs, KIDE, organized by the World Intellectual Property Associations for Inventions (WIIPA) and the Taiwan Invention Promotion Association (TIPPA). The girl has reached the highest international level! She took 1st place and won a gold medal for researching the technology of obtaining and applying thermochromic micro composites," Andrii Diachenko.
Sofiia is an 11th-grade student at the Radekhiv specialized school who is studying a foreign language in depth. She is also a member of the physics and astronomy department (specifically the applied physics section) at the Lviv Regional Academy of Sciences. Her scientific mentor is Yurii Chornyi, who holds a PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences and is the head of the Nuclear Physics Laboratory at the Department of Solid State Physics at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
Around 500 inventors from more than 30 countries participated in the scientific conference. This included 15 students from Ukraine, precisely two from the Lviv Regional Academy of Sciences.
For reference:
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