Russian missile strike claims six lives in Zaporizhzhia, two women survive under rubble

Emergency workers in Zaporizhzhia are still carrying out urgent rescue efforts, managing to extract two women from the remains of a collapsed building. These two individuals could call the "101" hotline for help. As of December 11, the death toll from the Russian attack on the city has risen to 6.

The Zaporizhzhia State Emergency Service, Ivan Fedorov, head of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration, and the National Police reported that on Telegram.

Emergency workers noted that emergency and rescue operations in the city are still ongoing.

"During the search and rescue operations, two women called the "101" Rescue Service line, who reported that they were under the rubble of a destroyed building. During the conversation, rescuers professionally clarified the details to determine their exact location," the State Emergency Service emphasized.

Photo: State Emergency Service

Photo: State Emergency Service

Photo: State Emergency Service

Photo: State Emergency Service

The injured women were rescued from the concrete trap with the help of special equipment.

"The women were under the rubble for more than seven hours. Thanks to the coordinated work of the rescuers, they were able to be pulled out of the trap and handed over to the doctors," emergency workers said.

The ambulance team arrived at the site alongside the rescuers and waited for the women to be rescued from the debris. The doctors quickly examined the wounded and transported them to the hospital.

Photo: State Emergency Service

Photo: State Emergency Service

Photo: State Emergency Service

Photo: State Emergency Service

The State Emergency Service noted that four people were rescued from the rubble that day, and rescue operations are currently ongoing.

As of the morning of December 11, the number of people killed as a result of the Russian strike on Zaporizhzhia had increased to six people.

"Currently, six citizens are known to have died, and 22 people were injured as a result of the strike in Zaporizhzhia," the State Emergency Service added.

All of the city's emergency services are currently on-site. The police have reported injuries of varying severity among:

  • 12 women,
  • nine men,
  • and a 5-year-old girl.

As emergency workers specified, five people may be under the rubble.

For reference:

According to earlier reports, Russian troops attacked the center of Zaporizhzhia with missiles on Tuesday at approximately 3:00 p.m. As a result, two individuals lost their lives, and 16 others sustained injuries. The rescue efforts are currently underway.

The hospital managed to resuscitate one of the victims of the missile strike on Zaporizhzhia. The person was considered dead.

Currently, 16 people have been taken to the hospital: nine women and seven men. According to preliminary information, some people are in severe condition.

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