“Hold On to Your Senses”: Lviv Croissants and Sens bookstore partner for unique cultural initiative

In collaboration with the "Sens" bookstore, the Lviv Croissants chain has introduced a unique project focused on promoting support, inspiration, and self-care. The "Hold on to Your Senses" project aims to remind individuals about the significance of acknowledging their emotions, seeking encouragement, and cultivating inner and outer harmony.

lvivcroissants and sens_kyiv reported that on Instagram.

What is the solution?

To put this idea into action, a collection of books written by Ukrainian authors was assembled. The novels and non-fiction works from this selection were chosen by "Sens" and Lviv Croissants to:

  • assist in finding support in everyday things.
  • inspire the establishment of harmonious relationships.
  • demonstrate the importance of personal choice and values.
  • encourage during moments of uncertainty and the motivation to keep going.

These books are like verbal embraces that serve as a reminder of our inherent need for love, affection, and care.

How does it work?

Starting December 9 and throughout the winter season, QR codes can be found in Lviv Croissant's establishments, providing access to a curated collection of books. These codes are located on:

  • drink glasses,
  • tables,
  • and the facades of the establishments.

Photo: Instagram / lvivcroissants and sens_kyiv

Moreover, the cafés also feature quotes from native writers such as Katia Blyostka, Volodymyr Stanchyshyn, Yurii Yanovsky, Yevhenia Kuznetsova, Mykola Makarenko, Olena Morentsova-Shulyk, Halyna Lytsur-Shchadey, and Mariia Kamenska. These inspiring words are perfect to read while taking a break and will uplift and motivate you.

Photo: Instagram / lvivcroissants and sens_kyiv

Photo: Instagram / lvivcroissants and sens_kyiv

The project "Hold on to your senses" was established to remind everyone that:

  • you are valuable, and your emotions are significant.
  • you can discover empowerment and motivation in the ordinary.
  • prioritizing self-care is the initial key to finding balance.

Photo: Instagram / lvivcroissants and sens_kyiv

"Come in for a croissant, find the right words, and hold on to your senses! It's easier and brighter with them," the organizers urged.

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