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This was announced by the company's Senior Project Manager and FPV volunteer, Ivan Ovcharyk.
What is the problem?
As the developers note, analog video from drones can be intercepted by any receiver, enabling the enemy not only to access operational information but also to identify the drone's takeoff point.
This vulnerability exposes both the equipment and the operators to becoming targets for strikes.
What is the solution?
The Ukrainian development team Kitrum has introduced the Chameleon system, which encrypts and decrypts analog video signals.
How does it work?
The Chameleon system ensures complete privacy by encrypting video in real time, guaranteeing that only the authorized operator can view the video stream.
Photo: Ivan Ovcharyk
We would like to remind you that the Armed Forces of Ukraine held a working meeting to discuss the possibility of creating Cyberforces as a separate branch of the military. Their draft concept is currently under consideration.
Additionally, within the framework of the Contact Group on Defense of Ukraine ("Ramstein format"), an IT coalition was established—a special group of states led by Estonia and Luxembourg, focused on providing support to Ukraine's Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces in IT, communications, and cybersecurity.
To date, the IT coalition has collected financial and material contributions exceeding 36 million euros, with an additional 23 million euros still expected. In October, Sweden will join the IT coalition in support of Ukraine.
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