Denmark expands support for Ukraine with accelerated delivery of Caesar artillery systems

Denmark is significantly increasing its support for Ukraine by enhancing aid and expediting the delivery of Caesar self-propelled artillery systems (SAU).

This was announced by the Danish Ministry of Defense.

The Danish government has submitted a recommendation to the Foreign Policy Committee to boost funding for the procurement of military equipment for Ukraine in 2024. This will enable the signing of new contracts before the end of the year.

"We are doing this to ensure Ukraine's ability to continue the fight, and also to set a good example," stated Defense Minister Troels Lund Poulsen.

The new assistance will be in addition to the previously allocated 2.6 billion Danish kroner (approximately $380 million) intended for purchasing equipment from Danish and international industries.

Photo: Joint Forces Task Force

Together with France, Denmark is accelerating the delivery of Caesar self-propelled guns, originally scheduled for delivery to Ukraine in 2026. Ukrainian forces will now receive them as early as 2025.

"The war in Ukraine is at a critical stage. It is very important that we support Ukraine as much as possible. Europe must accelerate the pace, and with today's donation package, Denmark is responding to specific requests from Ukraine and once again demonstrating that Denmark is at the forefront of Ukraine's fight for freedom. I hope that more countries will follow suit," said Lars Løkke Rasmussen, Denmark's Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The Caesar self-propelled gun is a French 155 mm wheeled artillery system developed by GIAT Industries and in mass production since 2007.

Key features:

  • Barrel length: 52 calibers
  • Ammunition capacity: 18 shells
  • Rate of fire: 6 rounds per minute
  • Compatibility: Capable of firing the full range of NATO 155 mm artillery shells
  • Chassis: For the French army, it uses the Renault Sherpa 5 6×6

To date, 72 units have been delivered to the French army.

What is known about the Caesar self-propelled guns for Ukraine

Recall that in October 2024, it became known that Ukraine would receive 12 Caesar self-propelled artillery systems from the Franco-German defense group KNDS. A corresponding contract was signed.

Also, in March 2024, French Defense Minister Sébastien Lecornu stated that Paris would transfer 78 Caesar installations to Ukraine and also plans to increase the supply of ammunition.

In addition, Belgium is preparing to supply Ukraine with three Caesar self-propelled artillery systems.

In addition, in February 2023, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reported that Copenhagen had transferred its Caesar self-propelled artillery systems to Ukraine.

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