Ukraine's intelligence reported that.
As the scouts note, in October 2024, on the eve of her solo concert in Kyiv's Palace of Sports and on the occasion of her birthday, KOLA announced a charitable fundraiser.
Instead of gifts and flowers, she called on her fans to donate to support Ukrainian scouts. Thanks to the care of the fans and the artist's team, 1 million hryvnias were collected and donated to the needs of Ukraine's intelligence.
The boats are meant for two purposes:
The Diana Podolianchuk Charitable Foundation collaborates with Ukraine's intelligence to carry out the Boats for Main Intelligence Directorate project. You can click on the provided link to support the initiative and contribute to purchasing boats.
The scouts summarized, "Thank you to singer KOLA, her team, and everyone who supports the Ukrainian army. "
For reference:
An online course titled "Don't Stand Still – Activate: Light, Heat, Internet" is now available in Ukraine. The instructional videos showcase members of the TNMK band, Oleh "Fahot" Mykhailiuta and Oleksandr "Fozzie" Sydorenko, along with Oleksandr Khorunzhy, the press officer for the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.
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