United to win: creators of Peaky Blinders series gift unique items to National Guard members from namesake unit

Soldiers of the National Guard of Ukraine from the "Peaky Blinders" unit received gifts from the series' creators of the same name.

The National Guard of Ukraine reported this on Facebook.

What is the solution?

"The legendary National Guard unit "Peaky Blinders" from Kharkiv now has actual caps from Stephen Knight, the scriptwriter of the cult series of the same name, with the autograph of the main character, Cillian Murphy.

These are the ones the heroes of the series starred in," the message says.

How does it work?

During the Russian invasion of the northern part of the Kharkiv region, the members of this unit played a key role in defending the area.

BBC reporters captured footage of the unit, named after a popular British TV series.

"Then the Ukrainian military took the opportunity to sign their own caps and asked to give them to Cillian Murphy. The actor received this unique gift.

Afterward, he kept one of the caps as a memento, signed the second one, and sent it back to our guys," the National Guard noted.

But that wasn't the end of the story. Eventually, the show's writer, Stephen Knight, approached the Kharkiv Peaky Blinders unit.

He gifted the army thirty-six caps from Garrison Tailors, the authorized costume designer for the series.

"Currently, the fighters of the Peaky Blinders special forces group of the "Omega" special forces detachment of the National Guard of Ukraine are destroying the enemy in the "hottest" areas of the front," the National Guard emphasized.

For reference:

In the early morning of November 17, the National Guard of Ukraine soldiers successfully took down an enemy cruise missile fired using a Browning machine gun.

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