Photo: Facebook / Lana Vetrova
The head of the National Register of Records, Lana Vetrova, reported that.
The story says pastry chef Vita Bakumenko spent four months working on her culinary masterpiece, often working late into the night to keep her mind off worrying about potential enemy attacks on Kharkiv.
The dimensions of the Mirror Stream are:
Thanks to her creation, Vita won the Ukrainian record in the category "Culinary Art" for "The Smallest Gingerbread Installation of an Architectural Building in the City."
Every detail of the miniature is made with filigree precision, recreating the appearance of a genuine fountain.
Photo: Facebook / Lana Vetrova
During the record's announcement, the craftswoman could not hold back tears because she dedicated her work to all the courageous Kharkiv residents who remain faithful to their city despite all difficulties.
"Every Kharkiv resident has their own story of indomitability. It is connected with my favorite thing, which helps me survive this difficult time, and with my favorite and most beautiful city!" said the record holder.
The record installation was presented to Kharkiv's mayor, Ihor Terekhov, as a symbol of the hero city's indomitability.
"And if the Mirror Stream fountain is considered one of the seventh wonders of Kharkiv, then this record gingerbread installation can now rightfully be considered the eighth wonder," Vetrova emphasized.
For reference:
It's worth mentioning that the U-Future: Renew and Create youth festival took place in Uzhhorod. During the event, 10-year-old Vasyl Mayevsky from the Mukachevo region broke a new Ukrainian and world record at one of the venues.
In addition, a one-of-a-kind Ukrainian football tournament for people with the same name was hosted in the village of Yosypovychi, located in the Stryi district in the Lviv region. Vasyl Levko, the town's football veteran, arranged the event.
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