Two Ukrainians earn spot on BBC’s list of Top 100 Most Influential Women of 2024

The BBC recognized remarkable women who had significantly impacted the world in 2024, and two Ukrainians were featured on their list: Olha Rudnieva and Olha Olefirenko.

The publication's website reported that.

  • Olha Rudnieva, the founder of the Superhumans Center

Olha Rudnieva. Photo: Instagram / rudnieva_olga

After Russia invaded Ukraine, Olha Rudnieva felt compelled to take action and help those injured in the war.

Many viewed those who lost their arms or legs on the battlefield as victims, but for Rudnieva, they were "superhumans" deserving of all the assistance she could offer.

  • What she did:

She established the Superhumans Trauma Center in Lviv, which assists individuals who have lost limbs in the war. The center focuses on prosthetics and rehabilitation.

  • Achievements:

So far, they have helped over 1,000 people within a span of two years.

"Resilience is waking up every morning to the sound of sirens and continuing to fight for your country. It's rediscovering your 'why?' instead of getting stuck on 'why me?' It's finding ways to do more with less every day," Olha says.

  • Olha Olefirenko, a farmer

Olha Olefirenko. Photo: Screenshot

After her father passed away in 2015, Olha Olefirenko was determined to honor his wish and establish a farm. She purchased animals and began tending to the land, but eventually faced financial challenges and had to part with all her livestock.

  • What she did:

She fulfilled her dream of starting a farm, even in the face of financial challenges and setbacks. Thanks to funding from the Ukrainian Veterans Fund, she was able to modernize the farm.

  • Focus:

She started running her farm, focusing on modernization, implementing new agricultural methods, and generating employment opportunities for the nearby community.

For reference:

It should be noted that last year, the BBC list included writer Oksana Zabuzhko, children's rights advocate Olena Rozvadovska, and Iryna Stavchuk, former Deputy Minister of Energy, Acting Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, and an expert on climate policy.

The BBC put together a list of women from around the globe who were inspiring and impacting the world in 2022. Eight Ukrainian women, including the first lady, Olena Zelenska, made the list.

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