Russian forces launch assault on Odesa’s port infrastructure

On the night of November 29, the enemy carried out a massive attack on the Odesa region using strike drones. They hit both the port and transport infrastructure, resulting in casualties.

The Odesa Regional Prosecutor's Office and the head of the Odesa Regional Military Administration, Oleh Kiper, reported that on Telegram.

"Private houses, outbuildings, and cars were damaged in the Odesa region. Seven civilians suffered injuries and acute stress reactions," the Odesa Regional Prosecutor's Office said in a statement.


According to Kiper, four victims were hospitalized, among them:

  • one woman is in serious condition,
  • the others are in moderate condition.


"Three wounded were provided with assistance on the spot," the head of the Regional Military Administration added.


In three settlements of the Odesa region, the following were damaged:

  • 13 residential and summer houses,
  • garages,
  • railway infrastructure,
  • outbuildings,
  • gas pipe,
  • car.


The Russians also targeted the region's port and transport infrastructure.


Under their procedural leadership, the Odesa Regional Prosecutor's Office initiated a pre-trial investigation into the violation of laws and customs of war (as stated in Part 1 of Article 438 of the Ukrainian Criminal Code).


For reference:

On the night of November 29, the Russian Federation troops launched dozens of drones over Ukraine. After a massive attack on Ukraine's energy sector on November 28, which was the eleventh in 2024, this time, the occupiers did not use missiles for the attack.

The shelling in several regions of Ukraine damaged infrastructure, cars, private and apartment buildings, and assistance is being provided to the victims.

Thus, in Kyiv, a medical facility caught fire in the Dniprovskyi district due to the fall of debris from a downed drone. One person was injured.

As noted by the Air Force of Ukraine's armed forces, the Russians attacked Ukraine with 132 drones. Air defense shot down 88 of them. In addition, another 41 drones were lost in the location.

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