Solutions from Ukraine: UAnimals opens Store of Unnecessary Goods to help save animals with every impulse purchase

UAnimals launched a virtual store on Black Friday, allowing people to make impulse purchases. This store, called "I Really Wanted It," offers virtual goods that people initially desire but ultimately do not use.

UAnimals reported that.

The animal and environmental rescue organization UAnimals launched an initiative to offer people the chance to make an impulsive "purchase" with a deeper purpose.

"People tend to make impulsive purchases: when we desire to learn something new, we quickly buy an education course. If we urgently want to get in shape, we rush to buy a fitness subscription. And when we realize we need better organization in our lives, we immediately think we need a planner. However, these purchases often please us in the short term, but we end up not using them for their intended purpose.

At our store, we offer a solution to this problem: instead of wasting your impulsive purchases, you can turn them into something useful by buying our goods and saving a life," comments Lyudmila Smolyar, head of the communications department of UAnimals.

The store offers:

  • an online training course,
  • dumbbells and sports equipment for home workouts,
  • a notepad-planner,
  • a gym subscription,
  • a board game,
  • a blender,
  • a water bottle,
  • anti-stress coloring books, etc.

No buyer will receive the purchased "goods."

Instead, the money from the "purchases" will be directed to saving the lives of animals.

UAnimals will pay for:

  • medicines,
  • food,
  • chipping and other necessities for animals.

The store shows what kind of help each "good" corresponds to in terms of price.

UAnimals emphasizes that its store does not judge people's choices when it comes to buying things. However, as the busy shopping season of Black Friday and the holiday season approaches, people are encouraged to balance their spending on enjoyable items with supporting important social causes.

You can buy some "goods" and help animals at the link.

For reference:

Rubryka previously reported that over 1,700 canister therapy sessions were conducted during the year of operation of the specialized center in Kyiv.

Moreover, on November 15, the charitable foundation "Tvoya Opora" launched its annual campaign, "2,000 Gifts for the New Year", within which everyone can fulfill the dream of a specific child who cannot hug his father or mother.

In addition, the Norwegian companies Kistefos AS and Orkla ASA are giving Ukraine sweet gifts for the New Year holidays for the third time. This year, they donated Christmas sweets – chocolate and cookies – for children in orphanages and military personnel on the front line.

It was also reported that this year, Christmas and other New Year holidays will be celebrated in the capital without mass gatherings, events, fairs, and entertainment. However, a Christmas tree will be installed in the city center.

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