Deepening Ukraine-Italy cooperation in CRM: investment company BGV Group Management participates in the “Italy Supports Made in Ukraine” forum

The BGV Group Management team participated in the 'Italy Supports Made in Ukraine' forum held in Rome on November 20. This event was a significant milestone in preparations for the Ukraine Recovery Conference, set to take place in July 2025 in Rome. During the forum, Ukraine and Italy signed a memorandum on critical materials and a joint communiqué to enhance cooperation in key economic sectors.

The event also included a panel discussion on metallurgy and the critical raw materials (CRM) sector, featuring representatives from Ukrainian and Italian government agencies and business leaders. The discussion focused on several key topics, such as the conditions required for successful implementation of projects in critical mineral extraction, the countries' potential to establish a complete value chain—from extraction to the production of advanced technologies—and collaboration between Ukrainian and Italian businesses with potential EU support for joint CRM initiatives. Ukraine's mining industry was represented in the discussion by the BGV Group Management team, led by Sergii Voitsekhovskyi, a member of the board of directors.

Sergii Voitsekhovskyi emphasized that BGV is prepared to serve as a strategic partner in mining and processing critical raw materials for Italian investors, companies, and other countries in Europe and America. The BGV Group Management team has been active in the sector for nearly a decade, investing in the extraction and development of critical minerals and metals, with the goal of positioning Ukraine as a global leader in both CRM supply and value-added products. Currently, BGV Group holds five licenses for extracting graphite, beryllium, rare metals, and rare earth elements.

Under its BGV Graphite project, the company has verified graphite deposit reserves according to international standards, conducted PEA and PFS studies, and completed pilot tests to produce final products such as graphite concentrate and SPG. The project has now entered the design phase. By the end of 2024, BGV signed new agreements with leading Ukrainian and international partners from the USA, Finland, and Germany to advance the construction of a mining and processing plant at the Balakhivske Graphite Deposit. These collaborations include developing project documentation, performing basic engineering, and carrying out extensive scientific research and development.

"We are grateful to the governments of Ukraine and Italy for inviting us to participate in this international event. Forums like these are crucial for advancing subsoil use on a global scale. They open access to international value chains for critical raw materials with added value, foster investment in significant projects, and serve as effective platforms for sharing expertise, enhancing competitiveness, and strengthening the global stability of the critical materials sector," said Sergii Voitsekhovskyi.

For reference:

The forum 'Italy Supports Made in Ukraine' brought together over 250 companies from Ukraine and Italy to explore opportunities for joint projects and establish business connections. Key discussions focused on collaboration in production—including the extraction and processing of critical raw materials—energy, and military technologies. The event also addressed preparations for the Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC-2025), scheduled to take place in Italy in 2025.

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