UNICEF Ukraine reported that.
What is the solution?
The "Lighthouse" is an art space shaped like a circle – symbolizing unity and family ties.
The core feature of the installation was children's artworks showcasing families, aspirations, and feelings. These drawings were gathered from various parts of Ukraine through a project that brought together children from diverse ages and backgrounds.
How does it work?
The space is open for two weeks, and everyone is welcome to participate. Visitors' creativity is incorporated into the existing installation, adding vibrancy and energy.
Photo: UNICEF Ukraine
"Come to this space with your children for two weeks and create drawings of your family to finish the installation," the organizers urged.
"Lighthouse" is open daily from 10:00 to 19:00.
As reported, the space was implemented with the support of UNICEF in cooperation with:
For reference:
It should be noted that the educational foundation GoGlobal, in collaboration with the #VictoryGeneration initiative, is launching a new art project called "Always Ukrainians." This project aims to raise awareness about the issue of cultural appropriation.
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