The South China Morning Post reported that.
According to sources, Kyiv will present a list of requests, which will include:
Before, South Korea only gave Ukraine non-lethal aid. However, President Yun Suk Yeol's recent remarks suggest a potential shift in this stance. Specifically, he mentioned the possibility of South Korea providing weapons to Ukraine based on the evolving circumstances.
However, the decision will remain challenging due to domestic and foreign political factors:
Experts note that Seoul's decision will also depend on international factors, including:
In turn, Ukraine continues actively seeking new partners to strengthen its defense capabilities. President Volodymyr Zelensky confirmed his intention to send South Korea a "detailed request" for the supply of air defense systems and artillery, which are critical for countering Russian aggression.
It should be noted that Deputy National Security Advisor Kim Tae-hyo pointed out that South Korea intends to take "phased measures" in response to the deepening of military cooperation between the DPRK and Russia. This is due to North Korea's decision to send its military personnel to the Russian Federation to support its military efforts.
For reference:
Since the commencement of the all-out war, Ukraine has not received any military aid from South Korea. However, Seoul's stance on this matter started to shift when North Korea dispatched troops to assist Russia in the war with Ukrainian defenders.
South Korea has announced its plans to take "phased measures" in light of the growing military alliance between North Korea and Russia. One potential measure being considered is providing offensive and defensive weapons to Ukraine.
On October 29, Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky spoke by telephone with South Korea's President Yun Suk Yeol. They agreed to intensify contacts at all levels and strengthen the exchange of intelligence regarding Russia's involvement of North Korean military personnel in the war against Ukraine.
South Korea has provided Ukraine with non-lethal assistance, including demining equipment, but still refuses to respond to Kyiv's requests for weapons supplies.
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