The Kherson Regional Office reported this.
What is the problem?
The Kherson Regional Military Administration notes that people cannot always promptly receive the necessary assistance due to the lack of doctors.
What is the solution?
"So, the NGO "Keysers" equipped nurses on-site with all the necessary resources to establish telemedicine centers," the report says.
How does it work?
As reported, the telemedicine centers will operate in:
The facilities are furnished with furniture and equipment for analyzing blood and urine, imaging mucous membranes, recording heart and lung function audio, and other telemetry devices.
They also have:
It is noted that nurses from local outpatient clinics are being trained in organizing telemedical consultations. This includes:
Patients in telemedical centers will be able to be consulted by doctors from:
The regional military administration informs that the NGO "Keysers" will assist employees of local medical institutions for a few months until they acquire all the necessary skills to conduct telemedicine consultations independently.
The project is being implemented within the framework of the EMPOWER project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany (BMZ) and the European Union and implemented by GIZ Ukraine.
For reference:
It should be noted that the Ministry of Health is initiating legislative changes to integrate telemedicine into all types of medical care.
As Rubryka reported, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine has begun developing telemedicine technologies and services.
It was also announced that a telemedicine hub has been opened in the Donetsk region at the Sloviansk Center for Primary Medical and Sanitary Care.
Furthermore, a boy was born in the Mykolaiv region with telemedicine assistance.
As of April, more than 10 thousand remote diagnostics of pregnant women using telemedicine were carried out in Ukraine.
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