Solutions to win: Ukraine revamps military education to incorporate combat experience and strengthen language training

Ukraine is currently undergoing changes in its higher military education system. The focus is on incorporating real combat experience, improving teacher training, and strengthening foreign language learning.

The Ministry of Defense reported this.

According to Brigadier General of Justice Serhii Melnyk, the country is improving its military education system, particularly under the NATO DEEP program.

"Even in such difficult times, we are not stopping the transformation of the educational process. We must direct our efforts to improve the study of foreign languages so that graduates of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine can adequately represent our country at the international level," Melnyk noted.

According to him, within the framework of reforming the military education system, special attention is paid to implementing the NATO DEEP Program and involving foreign partners in strengthening the language training of cadets and service members.

In particular, with the financial support of the Republic of Lithuania, preparations have begun for an institutional audit of the military education system of Ukraine in 2025.

Special emphasis will be placed on intensifying the teaching of foreign languages ​​for first-year students of higher military educational institutions.

To this end, curricula and form requests from higher military educational institutions will be updated, which international partners can finance.

In addition, it is planned to involve instructors from combat brigades in cadets' educational process and training.

"Real war is changing rapidly. For example, at the beginning of 2022, we knew nothing about FPV drones, and today, it is one of the key types of weapons. Therefore, we must quickly adapt the education and training processes of military personnel to changes on the battlefield," Melnyk emphasized.

For reference:

One of the training centers inspired the creation of the first school for training operators of unmanned ground robotic complexes in Ukraine's armed forces.

According to reports, the Defense Department has officially incorporated and authorized the use of the UNITS interactive training system created by American military engineers. The system is designed to carry out individual and group fire training.

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